Our Mission

Agape Medical Education and Training provides high quality training with affordable prices.
Our training site is located in Lebanon, OH. We also are willing and able to travel to your facility if you have several employees who need training.
We will work hard to satisfy all of your training needs, with multiple class dates, on time certification delivery, and assistance whenever you need it. Let us be your one stop provider for all of your education needs.

Our Name

A little history behind our name; Agape love is the highest form of Christian love. This type of love is the same love that God has for His own children.
This type of love is necessary when providing medical care to others. Providing Agape love to treatment means that those who need help can be taken care of no matter what.
As a healthcare provider it is our responsibility to treat and care for all of those in need, despite their situation. This is the same thing that God has done for us by sending His own Son to the cross to redeem us of our sins.
We want to provide the highest quality of education to everyone so that they may care for others with limitless love.


“But God proves His own love for us

in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” 

Romans 5:8